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      Interested in forming a Chapter?

      We look forward to working with you and your community to spread the WGH movement. Women from all over the world have formed national or regional Chapters linking global advocacy with local experience and establishing a network to share knowledge to strengthen global health.

      Until the beginning of 2024, we have launched 57 chapters in 52 countries, giving greater visibility to women in global health and bringing their perspectives and experiences to the global level. We particularly want to highlight those women whose voices are underrepresented, particularly women from low-income countries.

      We know we are stronger and more effective working in solidarity with Women in Global Health committed to our cause.

      Why create a Chapter?

      Creating a WGH Chapter has many benefits, as you become a member of an established and growing global network.
      Being in a Chapter gives you:

      • The opportunity to influence health decision making at national and global levels
      • A platform to connect with women in global health in your community and identify opportunities to advance women’s leadership
      • A mechanism to bring visibility to women shaping global health programming, policy and advocacy in your community
      • The support of like-minded women committed to working for positive change in health
      • New connections across issues and organizations working in global health, in particular, sharing knowledge and what works with sister Chapters
      • A chance to bring the ground realities for women to global health decision-making
      • A way of advancing gender transformative leadership in global health organizations in your community

      The process

      If you feel like you would like to start a Chapter begin by following us and familiarising yourself with our work. We have developed a Chapter interest guide to help you learn more about the chapters and how you can start a chapter in your own country.

      When you have done this, identify like-minded women and men in your community who are interested in forming a Chapter and begin early discussions on your local context. Form your Chapter core team.

      When you are ready, schedule an appointment with us for support, guidance, and to move the process along.

      Any further questions, please contact us.

      Movement building

      To achieve our vision of gender equality within global health leadership, we need to mobilize, engage and sustain a truly worldwide movement. That’s why WGH is building a broad network – from local to global – that puts women from underrepresented, marginalized communities first.

      At the heart of our global movement are our Chapters. WGH provides an environment for women in their diversity from many countries and continents to engage in advocacy, policy development and leadership at the national level. We connect and unite women from a wide range of backgrounds and global health professions. All share a commitment to promoting gender equality within global health and social care. WGH builds a strong, representative movement by:

      1. Developing Chapters: coordinating and supporting advocates
      2. Engaging allies: working in close partnership with like-minded coalitions and organizations in pursuit of our shared goals
      3. Connecting Chapters with each other so that they can share data, resources and tools
      4. Fostering an online network: inspiring digital followers to take part in campaigns that advance gender equality in global health

      We believe in the power of movement building to amplify the voices of all women, especially marginalized women, and drive change – from local to global.
